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Your booking records will be updated once you submit the order.","feed_ok":"OK","feed_nearly_a_week":"Nearly a week","feed_enter_cant_find_order":"Sorry, we cannot find your order. Please check and try again.","feed_phone_number_optional":"Phone number (optional)","feed_other":"Other","feed_email_us":"Consult and Feedback","feed_easliy_find":"You can easliy find your orders after login.","feed_email":"Email","feed_train_tickets":"Trains","feed_find_order":"Please find the Order No. from your confirmation email and enter below.","feed_others":"Others","feed_submited":"Submitted","feed_0_2000_characters_entered":"0/2000 characters entered","feed_order_view_more":"View More","feed_display_more":"Display more","feed_to_be_used":"To be used","feed_enter_order_information":"Enter order information","feed_dont_login":"Don't want to log in?","feed_air_tickets":"Flights","feed_please_select_the_order_you_want_to_consult":"Please select the order you want to consult:","feed_schedule_change":"Schedule change","feed_return_ticket":"Refund","feed_change_due_to_airlines":"Change due to airlines","feed_website_related_suggestions":"Website related suggestions","feed_share_your_questions_and_feedback":"Share Your Questions and Feedback","feed_hotel_confirm":"Hotel Confirmation","feed_done":"Done","feed_order_no":"Order No.","feed_refund":"Refund"},"subscription":{"b_api_unsubscribe_22":"Unsubscribe failed because you are not subscribed","f_cancel_title":"We're sorry to see you go!","f_subscrip_thirdtitle":"We won't send emails too often, but they might be useful to you.","b_desc_1":"Exclusive access to coupons, special offers and promotions","f_home_content":"Subscribe to email updates and get newest offers and exclusive deals!","b_api_issubscribed_0":"Thank you for subscribing","b_api_unsubscribe_21":"Unsubscribe failed","f_signup_info":"I'd like to recieve amazing exclusive deals from LY.COM.","f_email_format":"E-mail format error","b_api_issubscribed_1":"not subscribed","f_subscrip_subtitle":"About exclusive deals, coupons and special offers.","b_api_issubscribed_2":"Only logged in members can check whether they have subscribed","f_subscrip_subscriptions":"Subscriptions","b_cancel_title":"We are so sorry to see you go!","b_subscribed_desc":"Thank you for subscribing","f_home_subscribe":"Subscribe","b_mail_placeholder_1":"Enter your email address","f_success":"Subscribed!","f_cancel_selectitem3":"The content is too boring","b_cancel_select":"Why choose to unsubscribe","b_cancel_selectitem3":"content too boring","b_cancel_success":"Unsubscribed","b_button":"subscription","f_cancel_selectitem1":"I didn't subscribe to your mail","f_cancel_selectitem2":"Frequently sending","f_subscribe_ok":"OK","b_cancel_selectitem2":"sending too often","b_cancel_selectitem1":"I have not subscribed to your mail","f_home_subtitle":"We will not send emails very frequently, but they might be very useful.","f_success_subtitle":"Latest offers and exclusive deals are on the way...","b_button_close":"closure","f_button_close":"Close","b_no_subscribe_email":"You haven't subscribed to our newsletter.","b_subscription_title":"my subscription","b_api_subscribe_21":"Slider validation failed","b_api_issubscribed_-101":"System exception","b_api_subscribe_0":"SUBSCRIBE SUCCESSFUL","f_subscribe_emailaddress":"Email Address","b_api_subscribe_61":"frequent operation","b_api_subscribe_62":"frequent operation","b_button_1":"Subscribe","b_mail_placeholder":"Please enter your email","f_subscribe_timeout":"Oops! 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Plan your next trip with ly.com.","b_company":"LY.COM","b_tdk_keywords":"tongcheng,LY,LY.com,Cheap flights,China train tickets,Train tickets,Travel,Travel agency,Airline Tickets","b_label_null_surname":"Surname","b_lable_email_error":"Please enter a valid email address","b_label_identification":"ID","b_lable_email":"Email","b_label_birth":"Date of Birth","b_label_null_monthofbirth":"Month","b_author":"LY.COM","b_label_null_mobile":"Please enter your Mobile number","b_label_sex_1":"Female","b_label_expirydate":"Date of Expiry","b_label_sex_2":"Unkown","b_label_null_givenname":"Given name","b_label_null_chinesename":"Chinese Name","b_label_sex":"Gender","b_button_cancel":"Cancel","b_label_mobile_error":"Please enter a valid Mobile number","b_label_null_dayofbirth":"Day","b_copyright":"LY.com All right reserved.","b_label_name":"Name","b_label_mobile":"Mobile","b_label_countryregion":"Country or Region","b_lable_null_email":"Please enter your email address"},"unsubscribe":{"b_button_close":"Close","b_cancel_select":"Why unsubscribe","b_cancel_why":"Why unsubscribe?","b_cancel_selectitem3":"The content is too boring","b_button":"Subscribe","b_cancel_success":"You have been successfully unsubscribed.","b_cancel_selectitem2":"Frequently sending","b_button_cancel":"Unsubscribe","b_cancel_selectitem1":"I didn't subscribe to your mail","b_cancel_title":"We're sorry to see you go!"},"collections":{"b_confirm_button_ok":"Yes","b_confirm_button_cancel":"No","b_confirm_msg":"Are you sure to delete this collection?","b_reviews":"reviews","b_collections_empty_text":"You have not collected content yet."},"faq":{"b_api_0":"Success","b_api_1":"Category must be specified","b_api_2":"Language must be specified","b_api_3":"Query no result","b_page_title":"FAQ"},"company":{"b_company_label0":"Our company is an affiliated company of Tongcheng Travel Holdings Limited, which was formed by the merger of Tongcheng Network and elong Travel in Mar 2018.","b_company_label4":"Our mission is to \"Make travel easier and happier\", and we will continue to use innovative technology to create simple, fast and smart travel services for customers.","b_left_company":"Company Profile","b_company_label3":"Our company is committed to building a one-stop platform for online travel. Its business covers transportation ticket booking (air tickets, train tickets, bus tickets, boat tickets, etc.), accommodation booking, attraction ticket booking, etc., covering multiple travel and vacation scenarios.","b_company_label2":"It was successfully listed on the main board of the HKEX on 26th Nov, 2018 (HKEX: 0780.HK). This website is operated by Edraco Travel Ltd. and Edraco International Travel (Hong Kong) Ltd.","b_company_label1":" "},"orderlist":{"f_hotel_checkout":"Check-out","b_empty_button":"Back to Home","b_state_reservationfailed":"Reservation failed","f_hotel_night":"night(s)","f_view_toapp":"Download app to view orders","b_state_cancelled":"Cancelled","f_btn_cancel":"Cancel","f_hotel_checkin":"Check-in","b_state_awaitingtoconfirm":"Awaiting to confirm","f_btn_pay":"Pay","b_list_tdk_title":"My Booking","f_booking_no":"Booking No.","f_round_trip":"Round-trip","f_booking_date":"Booking Date:","b_round_trip":"Round-trip","f_countdown":"Please pay with in","b_empty_label2":"Your booking records will be updated here once you submit the order.","b_state_refunded":"Refunded","b_empty_label1":"Hi! You have no bookings yet.","b_tab_hotel":"Hotels","b_state_processing":"Processing","f_code_txt":"Scan QR and download app to view order details","b_state_unpaid":"Unpaid","b_state_refundprocessing":"Refund Processing","f_hotel_guest":"Guest","b_state_successfulchanged":"Successful Changed","f_network_error":"Oops,system failure!Please try again later","b_state_paymentexpired":"Payment expired","b_freequery_title":"Guest bookings","b_date_formatter":"ddd, MMM dd","b_tab_all":"All","b_state_completed":"Completed","b_tab_train":"Trains","f_btn_delete":"Delete","b_empty_login":"Please log in to view your booking history.","b_state_confirmed":"Confirmed","b_tab_flight":"Flights"},"changepassword":{"b_newpassword":"New Password","b_title":"Change Password","b_oldpassword":"Old Password","b_button":"Save"},"privacypolicy":{"b_label_07_2":"Therefore, you need to consider carefully before using products or services we provide for you. You agree that such sensitive personal information will be processed in accordance with the purposes and modalities set forth in Tongcheng Privacy Policy.","b_label_07_1":"Some particular personal information may be considered as personal sensitive information, such as your race, religion, personal health and medical information, which will be strictly protected. Tongcheng Privacy Policy reminds you that the content and information you uploaded or released when using products and services provided by Tongcheng may reveal your sensitive information.","b_label_14_1":"Tongcheng will modify this Privacy Policy when necessary. Please understand that we may revise the Privacy Policy at times as we consider appropriate. We will note the date of the latest update of this Privacy Policy and the update will take effect when it is published. Without your explicit consent, Tongcheng will not reduce your rights under this Privacy Policy. Tongcheng will provide more prominent notification of major changes (for example, we will inform you via email for changes concerning certain services, and explain the content of specific changes in the privacy policy). Therefore, you should review this Privacy Policy periodically to keep up with our most current version.","b_label_10_1":"Tongcheng attaches great importance to the protection of minors' personal information. If you are a minor under the age of 18, you must obtain prior written consent from your parent or legal guardian before using our services.","b_label_03_1_13":"• In addition, we may collect, use and disclose your personal information for other purposes, and will inform you in the form of a revised statement.","b_label_03_1_10":"• Phone monitoring: Your phone conversations with our customer service staff, both answering our calls and calling us, may be recorded. We may rely on these recordings to monitor the quality of our customer service, check the accuracy of the information you provide to prevent fraud or serve the purpose of internal staff training. The recording will be automatically deleted after being retained for a period of time, unless otherwise required by scenario needs for compliance requirements or legitimate interests.","b_label_03_1_11":"• Performing obligations: Dealing with insurance claims and payments arising under relevant policies, dealing with commissions paid to partners, claims or payments for damages caused by service partners and etc..","b_label_03_1_12":"• Legal purpose: We may need to use your information to handle and resolve legal disputes and comply with the documents issued by any Law, Regulation or Regulatory Agency that are binding on us, in order to cooperate with the investigation of National Departments or Regulatory Agencies and comply with Laws and Regulations.","b_label_03_2":"(2) While enjoying the services provided by Tongcheng, you authorize and agree that we send you commercial information, including but not limited to the latest product information, promotional information and etc. to your email, mobile phone, communication address and etc.. If you choose not to accept all kinds of information services provided by Tongcheng, you can reject such information services according to the corresponding settings provided by Tongcheng.","b_label_03_3":"(3)You are fully aware that we do not need your authorization to use personal information in the following situations:","b_label_03_1":"(1) Tongcheng will generally collect and use your personal information for the following purposes:","b_label_0":"Tongcheng (LY.COM) reminds you: LY.com Website is operated by Tongcheng Network Technology Co., Ltd., Tongcheng International Travel Service Co., Ltd., Edraco Travel Ltd., Tongcheng’s affiliated companies and etc.. When involving specific products and services, it will be provided by qualified service providers. If a user visits, reserves or uses a product or service of Tongcheng (collectively, “service”) on this website, website of Tongcheng’s affiliated companies, or on other mobile applications or software provided by Tongcheng (hereinafter referred to as “LY.com Website”), he or she shall be deemed to have accepted the following privacy policy. Please read the following content carefully, especially the Bold Fonts. If you do not agree to any of the following content, please stop accessing/using this website or any other mobile applications/software immediately. Both “Tongcheng” and “we” mentioned in this Privacy Policy refer to LY.COM Website, “user” and “you” refer to users who voluntarily accept this Privacy Policy.","b_label_03_1_1":"• Providing services to you: We will use your personal information to complete and manage your online booking. In addition, we will provide you with related products and services through affiliates, business partners, and third parties.","b_label_08_5":"(5) Your account has in-built security features. You are advised to properly safeguard your account and password and do not disclose your password to any person. If you discover your personal information has been leaked, especially your account and password, please contact our customer service staff immediately so that we can take appropriate measures.","b_title15":"15、Laws","b_label_08_6":"(6) Please save or back up your text, pictures and other information in time, and please understand and accept that your access to our system and communication network applying for service may cause problems due to factors that beyond our control.","b_title14":"14、Modification of Privacy Policy","b_label_08_3":"(3) We take strict control over employees who may have access to your information, monitor their operations, establish approval mechanisms for important operations such as data access, internal and external transmission, data masking, decryption and sign confidentiality agreements with such employees. At the same time, we also train employees for information security regularly, require employees to grow good operating habits during their daily work and enhance awareness of data protection.","b_title13":"13、Application of Privacy Policy","b_label_08_4":"(4) Notwithstanding the foregoing security measures, please also understand that there are no “perfect security measures” for the Internet. We rely on currently available technologies and take appropriate security measures to protect your information. We will try our best to protect your information not to be leaked, damaged or lost.","b_title12":"12、Visit our website outside China Mainland","b_label_08_1":"(1)Tongcheng attaches great importance to information security and has set up a dedicated team for this particular purpose. We strive to protect your personal information and have taken appropriate managerial, technological and physical security measures. We also have established information security system which is adaptable to business development based on information security standards and best practice at home and abroad.","b_title11":"11、User’s Personal Information Management","b_label_08_2":"(2) In terms of the data life cycle, we have established security measures for all stages including data collection, storage, display, processing, use and destruction. We take different control measures according to the level of information sensitivity, including but not limited to access control, SSL encrypted transmission, encrypted storage for encryption algorithms at AES256bit or above, data masking for sensitive information and etc.","b_title10":"10、Protection of Minors’ Information","b_label_04_3":"(3) Pubic disclosure","b_label_04_3_2":"• As required by Laws and Regulations, mandatory administrative enforcement or judicial orders, we may disclose your personal information in the type and manner as required. In accordance with the Laws and Regulations, we will require them to show the corresponding legal documents when we receive a disclosure request as mentioned above, such as summons or investigation letters.","b_label_04_3_1":"• At your request, and limited to the personal information you designate in the manner you have consented;","b_label_02_3_2":"• Location information, which we collect when you turn on your device’s location feature and use our location-based services. This includes your geographical position information collected via GPS or WIFI, your location information contained in the account information you provide to us and shared information uploaded by you or other showing your current or previous location. You can turn off the location feature to prevent us from collecting your location information.","b_label_02_3_1":"• Log information, which refers to information that the system may automatically collect through cookies, a web beacon, or other channels when you use our services, including:","b_label_15_1":"Privacy policies should be consistent with Country's national legal interpretation, including disputable contradictory content of provisions of Laws. User, Tongcheng Network Technology Co., Ltd., Tongcheng International Travel Service Co., Ltd., Tongcheng’s affiliated companies and etc. agreed to accept the jurisdiction of the court. If any Article is conflicting with Laws, such Article shall be re-interpreted as close to Laws as possible. Meanwhile, other Articles shall remain legally valid and be bound to the user. Disputes arising from the interpretations of this Privacy Policy and any products booked by the user through Tongcheng website shall accept the jurisdiction of the People's Court of Suzhou Industrial Park.","b_title09":"9、Information Security Incident Disposal","b_title08":"8、Information Security and Protection","b_label_11_2":"(2) You may cancel the Tongcheng account by dialing the customer service number (e.g. 400-100-2249 for Mainland China, +86-512-81669418 for Other locations) which is posted on Tongcheng’s official website, transferring call to an operator according to the voice prompt and completing the cancellation of the account after verification. After canceling the account, all information in your account will be cleared. We will no longer collect, use or share personal information related to the account. However, we still need to preserve the previous information for a period in accordance with the regulatory requirements, and the authorities still have the right to inquire according to Laws during the legal period.","b_title07":"7、Hints of personal sensitive information","b_label_11_1":"(1) You can login “my Tongcheng” - personal center, common information and etc. at any time to inquire, correct and delete your account information, modify personal data, privacy settings and security settings, modify the delivery address and other personal information that you provided when using Tongcheng’s service. If you have any questions, you can contact Tongcheng’s customer service. Customer service hotline: 400-100-2249 (Mainland China), +86-512-81669418 (Other locations).","b_title06":"6、The use of Cookie","b_title05":"5、Information Preservation and Transboundary Transmission","b_label_03_1_9":"• Daily operations: Including but not limited to booking management, customer verification, technical support, network maintenance, troubleshooting, internal administrative affairs, internal policies and procedures, producing internal reports and etc..","b_label_03_1_8":"• Data analysis: We may use your personal information for analysis so that we can get to know your location, your preferences and demographic information or match it with the data obtained from other sources (including third parties) in order to develop our products, services or marketing plans and to improve our services.","b_label_03_1_7":"• Improving service security and reliability: We may detect and prevent fraud and illegal activities and use your personal information for risk assessment and security purposes.","b_label_03_1_6":"• Market survey: We sometimes invite you to participate in market survey to better understand your interest in our products, services and websites.","b_label_03_1_5":"• Contacting you: Responding to and dealing with your questions or requests, sending booking-related messages (such as messages telling you of successfully submitted booking, messages reminding you to complete unfinished bookings and etc.). We may also send you questionnaires, invite you to provide feedback on our services and etc..","b_label_03_1_4":"• Marketing activities: We will also use your personal information for legitimate marketing purposes, such as sending you the latest news on travel products or services and providing personalized recommendations and information on other promotional activities that may interest you.","b_label_03_3_11":"• Other circumstances stipulated by Laws and Regulations.","b_label_03_1_3":"• Responding to your inquiries and requests: We provide customer service 7/24 in multiple languages to offer help when you need. Hotline: 400-100-2249 (Mainland China), +86-512-81669418 (Other locations)","b_label_03_1_2":"• Account management: You can create a Tongcheng account and we will use the information you provide to manage your account and provide you with practical features. You can use your account for various operations, such as managing bookings, adjusting personal settings, adding frequently used passenger information, checking past bookings, reviewing orders, managing payments and etc..","b_label_04_1":"(1) We may share your booking information, account information, device information and location information with a third party such as corporate partners and etc. to ensure the successful accomplishment of services for you. However, we will share your personal information only for legitimate, appropriate, necessary, specific and explicit purposes, and will share only the necessary personal information for providing the service. Our partners include the following types (including domestic and foreign entities):","b_label_04_2":"(2) Except for the following circumstances","b_label_04_2_1":"• Get your specific consent or authorization in advance;","b_label_09_1":"In the event of a personal information security incident, we will inform you, in accordance with applicable Laws and Regulations: the basic information and possible impact of the security incident, measures we have taken or will take, suggestions on the precautions you can take to reduce risks, remedial measures for you and etc.. We will inform you the relative situations of incident by e-mail, letter, telephone, push notification and etc.. When it is difficult to notify a personal information subject on an individual basis, we will issue an announcement in a reasonable and effective manner. Furthermore, we will also report the disposition of personal information security incidents according to the requirements of regulatory authorities.","b_label_04_2_3":"• In the case of mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers or similar transactions involving the transfer of personal information, we will require the new company or organization that holds your personal information to continue to be bound by this privacy policy. Otherwise, we will require the company or organization to re-obtain authorization from you.","b_label_05_2":"(2) If we terminate the products or services of LY.COM Website, we will stop collecting your personal information in time, and will notify you the termination on an individual basis or an announcement. All personal information will be removed or anonymized.","b_label_04_2_2":"• In accordance with the requirements of applicable Laws and Regulations, legal procedures, compulsory administrative or judicial requirements;","b_label_05_3":"(3) The personal information collected and generated within the territory of the People's Republic of China will be stored in China, except for the following circumstances:","b_label_04_2_subtitle":"we will not transfer your information to any companies, organizations or individuals:","b_left_privacypolicy":"Privacy Policy","b_label_12_1":"If you visit our website from the outside of China mainland, please note that your information may be transmitted, stored and processed in the mainland of China. Data Protection Laws and other Laws in China mainland may be different from those in your country/region, but please be assured that we will take measures to protect your information. While choosing to use our services, you understand and agree that your information may be transmitted to our website and shared with a third party as we mentioned in this privacy policy.","b_label_03_3_10":"• Necessary for academic research institutions to conduct statistical or academic research for public interest, and the personal information contained should be de-identified while providing the result of academic research or description to the public;","b_label_04_3_subtitle":"We will disclose your personal information to the public under the following conditions only:","b_title04":"4、Shareing, transfer and disclosure of the information","b_title03":"3、The Use of Information","b_title02":"2、Collection of Information","b_title01":"1、Confirmation and Acceptance of Privacy Policy","b_label_05_1":"(1) Unless it is necessary to extend the retention period, permitted by Laws or Authorities or to assist Authorities’ inquiries, we will preserve your personal information for 3 months from the date when your account is cancelled.","b_label_01_2":"By completing the registration process and clicking the “Complete Registration” button, it means that the user clearly knows the facts listed in this privacy policy, and has reached an agreement with Tongcheng Network Technology Co., Ltd., Tongcheng International Travel Service Co., Ltd. and Tongcheng’s associated companies, and has accepted all the terms of service.","b_label_01_3":"We attach great importance to the protection of users’ personal information and privacy security. We understand that providing information online involves a great deal of trust on your part. We take this trust very seriously and deeply understand the great importance to you, and make it a high priority to ensure the security and confidentiality of your privacy. If you have any questions or suggestions about our privacy policy, please contact us. Hotline: 400-100-2249 (Mainland China), +86-512-81669418 (Other locations).","b_label_01_1":"Respecting the personal privacy of user is a basic policy of Tongcheng. LY.COM Website collects the tourism service information provided by qualified hotels, scenic spots, air ticket agencies, travel agencies and etc. on LY.COM Website for user to consult. At the same time, it helps user to contact and book related tourism services of abovementioned hotels, air ticket agencies, travel agencies through LY.COM Website.","b_label_04_1_5":"For companies and organizations with which we share personal information, we will sign strict confidentiality agreements with them requiring them to process personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and our other relevant confidentiality and security measures. Our partners shall have no right to use shared personal information for any other purpose, and will obtain your authorization to change the purpose of processing the personal information.","b_label_04_1_2":"• Financial institutions and third-party payment agencies: When you place a booking, apply for a refund or purchase insurance, we will share specific order information with the relevant financial institutions or the third-party payment agencies, and we will further share other necessary information with the relevant financial institutions as we consider it is necessary for fraud detection and prevention purposes, such as IP address and etc..","b_label_04_1_1":"• Providers: Including but not limited to hotels, airlines, cruises lines, car rentals agencies, travel agencies, scenic spot operators and event providers and agents that meet your booking needs. These providers may contact you as needed to provide you with travel products or services.","b_label_02_1_2":"• When updating your personal information, you need to be timely, detailed and accurate.","b_label_04_1_4":"• Affiliated companies: We may share your personal information with our affiliated companies so that we can provide you with information about travel or other travel-related products and services, and they will provide similar protection measures for your personal information that are no less stringent than this privacy policy.","b_label_06_1":"A cookie is a text file that a web server puts on your device. It will help you to invoke information in subsequent access and simplify the recording process of filling in your personal information. You have the right to accept or reject cookie, and you can modify the browser's settings to reject cookies as you need if the browser receives cookies automatically. Please note that if you refuse to accept cookie, you may not be able to fully experience the services provided by Tongcheng.","b_label_02_1_1":"• When you register as a member of Tongcheng, you need to provide information such as name, gender, birthday, mobile number, email and etc..","b_label_04_1_3":"• Business Partners: We may work with our partners to provide you with products or services, including express delivery services, communication services, customer services, marketing, advertising and etc..","b_label_02_1_4":"• When booking a hotel or ticket for tourist attraction, you need to provide information such as traveler’s name, ID card, the contact person’s name, mobile number, email and etc..","b_label_02_1_3":"• When booking a flight or train ticket, you need to provide information such as passenger’s name, gender, birthday, ID document number, the contact person’s name, mobile number, email, delivery address and etc..","b_label_02_1_6":"• We may also collect information about your travel plans, styles and preferences including your meal requirements, travel/departure times, seat choice, ticket choice, insurance choice and your selection of other services (such as travel, car rental, attraction tickets, travel guides, visas, oversea pleasure and etc.) provided by Tongcheng.","b_label_13_2":"Please note that “Tongcheng Privacy Policy” does not apply to situations as follows: the information collected by third-party services (including any third-party website) which accessed through our services; the information collected by other companies and agencies that providing advertisement service in our services.","b_label_02_1_5":"• When paying for travel products, you need to provide your bank card number, the mobile number previously provided to the bank, credit card number, cardholder name, expiry date, CCV and etc..","b_label_13_1":"In addition to specific services, all our services are applicable to “Tongcheng Privacy Policy”. Specific services will be applied to specific privacy policies. Such privacy policy of specific services shall be deemed a part of “Tongcheng Privacy Policy”. If the privacy policy for specific services is inconsistent with “Tongcheng Privacy Policy”, the privacy policy for specific services shall prevail.","b_label_03_3_9":"• Required for legitimate news reports;","b_label_03_3_8":"• Necessary for maintaining the safety and stable operation of the products and/or services provided, such as the detection and disposal of products and/or service failures;","b_label_03_3_7":"• Necessary according to your requirements for signing the contract;","b_label_02_3_1_3":"• Information contained in the content you share through our services, such as a photo shared or uploaded, comments, dates, times and etc..","b_label_03_3_6":"• Your personal information is collected from legally disclosed information such as legitimate news reports, government information disclosure and etc.;","b_label_03_3_5":"• The personal information collected is made available to the public by the personal information subject;","b_label_03_3_4":"• For the purpose of protection of major legal rights and benefits such as the lives and properties of the personal information subject or other individuals when it is difficult to obtain the consent of the subject involved;","b_label_03_3_3":"• Relating to criminal investigation, prosecution, trials and execution of judgments;","b_label_03_3_2":"• Relating to public security, public health and major public interests;","b_label_02_3_1_2":"• Information that you searched for or browsed when you use our services, such as web pages used or terms searched and pages visited through the APP, as well as other information browsed or provided when using our services.","b_label_03_3_1":"• Relating to national security and national defense security;","b_label_02_3_1_1":"• Device information or software information, such as your IP address, software version and device identifier (IDFA/IMEI) of the mobile device you use and configurations of the web browser or mobile device you use to access our services.","b_label_02_3":"(3) We will collect your personal information automatically when you use the service of Tongcheng.","b_label_02_4":"(4) We will also obtain your information from affiliates and business partners. For example, when you make a booking or reservation through the website or mobile app of one of our affiliates or business partners, your booking or reservation information with them might be forwarded to us so that we can process your order and ensure its success. Also, when we allowing you to login our account linked with your social media account, your personal information will be shared with us through that social platform under your consent (you grant authorization to the social platform).","b_label_02_1":"(1) In order to serve you better, we will follow the “reasonable, relevant and necessary” principle to collect information under the premise of your consent, and will not collect information prohibited by Laws and Regulations. Considering the importance of Tongcheng membership service, user agrees that Tongcheng may collect all the information you input into the LY.COM Website or otherwise provide to us.","b_label_02_2":"(2) You may make a booking on someone else’s behalf on Tongcheng, in which case you shall provide personal information of that traveler. However, we would like to remind you that it is your responsibility to ensure that consent is obtained and this privacy policy is well known and accepted by the traveler before you provide his/her personal information.","b_label_05_3_1":"• Specified by Laws and Regulations;","b_label_05_3_3":"• Your personal active behavior, such as transboundary transactions through the Internet.","b_label_05_3_2":"• Obtain your specific authorization;"},"freelogin":{"b_freelogin_verifycode":"Verification Code","b_freelogin_resend":"Resend in","b_freelogin_send":"Send","b_freelogin_search_title":"Search Your Bookings","b_freelogin_tip":"Require the email address used for booking to which we will send the verification code.","b_freelogin_search":"Search","f_freelogin_incorrect_email":"Please enter a valid email address","b_freelogin_email":"Email Address","b_freelogin_send_tip":"The verification code has been sent to your email. If you haven't received a verification code, please try again."},"whybook":{"b_since_content":"Steps into global travel and tourism industry based on more than {years} years’ experiences in China.","b_use_title":"Easy to Use","b_privacy_title":"Privacy Protection","b_whychoose":"Why they choose LY.com ?","b_since_title":"Rich Tourism Experience","b_price_title":"Good Price","b_trust_content":"Serving more than 300 million customers in China through websites and APPs.","b_service_title":"Top-notch Services","b_cost_content":"All fees are reasonable and transparent.","b_trust_title":"Trusted Brand","b_price_content":"All prices are competitive as one of the biggest partners of suppliers.","b_pay_content":"Convenient & reliable payment system","b_pay_title":"Secure Payment","b_left_why":"Why Book With Us","b_use_content":"Simple and user-friendly booking process","b_trustworthy_title":"Trustworthy","b_privacy_content":"Customers privacy are guaranteed with SSL safe connection and secure transaction technology.","b_service_content":"One-to-one service and continued support are guaranteed.","b_cost_title":"No Hidden Costs"},"profile":{"b_emptypage_tdk_title":"Please login to visit","f_birthday_empty":"Please enter day","b_api_edit_2":"Nickname cannot exceed 16 characters","b_api_edit_1":"Nickname should be filled","b_api_edit_0":"edited successfully","b_menu_parent_booking":"My Booking","b_nickname":"Nickname","b_menu_subscriptions":"my subscription","b_profile_title":"Edit My Profile","b_sex":"Gender","b_countryregion":"Country or Region","b_menu_passenger":"Frequent Traveler","b_menu_edit_profile":"Edit Profile","f_birth_year_empty":"Please enter the year","f_birth_year_error":"Please enter the correct year","b_api_edit_42":"Nickname already exists","b_api_edit_41":"fail to edit","b_null_yearofbirth":"Year","b_button":"Save","b_menu_guest_booking":"guest order","b_menu_parent_inquiry":"demand list","b_menu_subscription":"My Subscriptions","b_sex_1":"Female","b_sex_0":"Male","f_birthday_error":"Please enter correct day","b_sex_2":"unknown","b_menu_change_password":"Change Password","b_api_edit_31":"fail to edit","b_menu_parent_coupon":"My Exclusive offer","b_null_nickname":"Enter Your Nickname","b_menu_collections":"Collections","b_null_countryregion":"Please select your country/region of origin","b_api_edit_21":"fail to edit","b_emptypage_info":"To access the current page, your login is required.","b_menu_delete_account":"Delete Account","b_menu_parent_profile":"My Profile","b_null_dayofbirth":"Day","b_api_query_2":"IP cannot be empty","b_api_query_1":"Member ID cannot be empty","b_null_monthofbirth":"Month","b_birth":"Date of Birth","f_birth_date_error":"Please enter a correct date of birth","b_api_edit_6":"Member ID cannot be empty","b_api_edit_5":"wrong birthday","b_api_edit_4":"wrong gender","b_api_edit_3":"Nickname contains sensitive words","b_api_query_0":"search successful","f_birth_month_empty":"Please select a month","b_api_edit_8":"Invalid nickname, limited to Chinese, English, numbers, underscore","b_api_edit_7":"Nationality cannot be empty"},"home":{"f_iflight_arrival":"Please provide arrival city.","b_oneway":"One-way","s_hotel_serach_list_noresult":"Apologies, no results found. ","s_train_faq_subtitle":"We offer the best service to book China train tickets online easily and convenient. You can search the train time table, schedule and ticket availability on our website . We accept credit card like VISA, MasterCard, and PayPal. The e-ticket will be sent to you by email and phone message and then you can redeem at the Manual Ticketing Window at the station.","b_user2_said":"Thank you for sorting my name issue. Appreciate your service it's really good. I'm glad I purchased the ticket from you. Well-done.","b_iflight_flights":"Flights","s_hotel_date_checkout":"Check-out","f_iflight_swith":"Switch","s_train_faq_title":"Tips for Your China Train Trip","s_hotel_keywords_title":"Keywords","f_iflight_choose_return_date":"Please select return date","s_hotel_guests_title":"Guests","f_train_high_speed":"High-Speed trains only","b_user1_said":"Thump up for LY.com. It's easy to use and convenient. Excellent service speedy and accurate. Thank you my best company. You are the best.","s_hotel_guests_child_s":"children","f_iflight_adult":"Adult","s_hotel_keywords_placeholder":"Airport, station","f_iflight_bussiness":"Business","s_hotel_date_s_tip2":"Check-in and check-out times are in local time.","s_hotel_date_s_tip1":"Bookings can only be made for a maximum of 30 nights. ","f_train_noresult":"No results","b_iflight_noresults":"no results","home$b_user3_said":"I am extremely happy to use this application on WeChat. Thank you for taking the effort to translate this system into English. I really admire LY.com. Good work.","b_iflight_to":"To","s_hotel_city_mangu":"Bangkok and vicinity","b_cre_content_new_8":"Simple and user-friendly booking process.","b_cre_content_new_7":"Being one of the biggest partners of many travel service providers,we offer quality products and services with competitive pricing in the market.","b_cre_content_new_4":"Customer experience is based on the basic philosophy of customer first and the goal of quick response and warm service.","b_cre_content_new_3":"We are tapping into the global travel and tourism industry leveraging many years of experience in China.","b_cre_content_new_6":"We provided services for more than 200 million customers in China.","b_cre_content_new_5":"International flights business covers around 1.2 million international routes. ","s_hotel_date_checkin":"Check-in","b_cre_content_new_2":"Customised one-to-one service and continued support will be provided to each user during the entire purchasing process.","b_explore_title":"Explore the destination","b_cre_content_new_1":"We are partnering with the most reliable payment service providers to make sure every transaction is smooth and worry-free.","b_user2_name":"Claire Louise Lindner-Kraus","s_hotel_guests_tips":"Please select your childen's age according to their age at check-in. This will help us find the room types and discounts best suited to your needs. A maximum of 3 children can stay in each room.","home$b_user1_said":"Thump up for LY.com. It's easy to use and convenient. Excellent service speedy and accurate. Thank you my best company. You are the best.","s_hotel_guests_adult_s":"adults","f_train_depart_empty":"Please select departure city.","s_hotel_guests_Done":"Done","s_hotel_city_placeholder":"Please enter a city name","s_hotel_guests_Children":"Children","b_iflight_over_12":"12 + years","f_iflight_depart":"Please provide departure city.","s_hotel_star_title":"Diamond Rating","f_train_isdiff":"Departure city must be different with arrival city","s_hotel_guests_yearsold":"year-old","b_iflight_departure":"Depart","s_hotel_rec_more_title":"Discover great deals on hotels around the world. ","b_explore_subtitle":"Our latest travel tips, expert guides and industry observations help you complete an unforgettable trip","s_hotel_tab":"Hotels","s_hotel_rec_more_price0":"Sell out","f_iflight_cityname":"All airports","b_error_404":"We're sorry,page not found!","f_iflight_noresult":"No results.","f_iflight_premium":"Premium economy","b_roundtrip":"Round-trip","s_hotel_search":"Search","f_iflight_cancel":"Cancel","s_hotel_serach_list_tips":"The search results of other cities are as follows: ","b_iflight_class_passenger":"Class & Passenger","b_user3_name":"Sally Clark","f_iflight_switch_flight":"Sorry, we are currently not applicable for Chinese domestic flights booking. Chinese domestic flights booking will be working soon. Thank you for your patience. You may switch to Chinese vesion for your booking.","b_credence_title_new":"Why Book With Us","s_train_search":"Search","b_user_subtitle_1":"of customers believe LY.com is easy to use and convenient.","b_iflight_2_to_12":"2 - 11 years","s_hotel_rec_title":"Popular cities","b_user_subtitle_2":"of customers make positive reviews for LY.com's customer service.","f_iflight_child":"Child","b_cre_title_new_1":"Secure Payment","f_train_arrival_empty":"Please select arrival city.","b_cre_title_new_3":"Since 2004","b_cre_title_new_2":"Top-notch services","b_cre_title_new_8":"Easy to Use","s_train_hot_title":"Popular Cities","b_cre_title_new_5":"1.2 million+","s_hotel_date_night_1":"Night","b_cre_title_new_4":"Consumer First","b_cre_title_new_7":"Competitive Pricing","b_cre_title_new_6":"Trusted Brand","b_iflight_from":"From","s_hotel_city_title":"Where are you going?","s_hotel_city_s_title":"Popular Destinations","s_hotel_guests_Adults":"Adults","b_user_title":"User reviews","b_iflight_max_9_passengers":"Max 9 passengers for booking.","b_iflight_return":"Return","b_train_to":"To","f_iflight_bediff":"Departure city must be different with arrival city.","f_iflight_first":"First","home$b_user2_said":"Thank you for sorting my name issue. Appreciate your service it's really good. I'm glad I purchased the ticket from you. Well-done.","s_hotel_guests_child_1":"child","s_hotel_guests_adult_1":"adult","f_iflight_economy":"Economy","b_iflight_search":"Search","s_hotel_rec_more_btn":"Go now","b_user1_name":"Rayn Stone","s_train_tab":"Trains","s_hotel_date_night_s":"Nights","b_train_from":"From","b_user3_said":"I am extremely happy to use this application on WeChat. Thank you for taking the effort to translate this system into English. I really admire LY.com. Good work."},"termsservice":{"b_label09_4_1":"A clear identification, address and contact information;","b_label02_1":"2.1 The specific content of service shall be provided by LY.COM according to the actual situation.","b_label02_2":"2.2 Tongcheng shall provide network services for its members on LY.COM, and the network equipment (such as personal computer, mobile phone and other device connecting to the Internet or mobile network) and the costs required (such as telephone rates and Internet fee and cellphone rates for mobile network) shall be borne by the member.","b_label09_4_2":"The legitimacy of the removed content; the location of the removed content on the Internet; a declaration of the authenticity of the content written in counter-notice;","b_label09_4_3":"Tongcheng is entitled to recover the removed content after the conforming counter-notice has been issued.","b_label04_06_9":"Involving any other matters prohibited by laws or administrative regulations.","b_label08_2":"In addition, members may notify Tongcheng at any time to terminate services provided if it is necessary. The rights of member to use the services shall be terminated after the termination of the membership service. LY.COM shall no longer be held responsible to members since the determination of the membership service.","b_label08_1":"Personal data provided by the member to Tongcheng is unauthentic.Members violate the rules of this Agreement or fail to perform his/her obligations.","b_label04_06_5":"Sabotaging national religious policy or propagating heretical teachings and feudal superstition;","b_label04_08_3":"Deleting, modifying or adding the data and applications that are stored, processed or transmitted into the computer information network without permission;","b_label04_06_6":"Disseminating rumors, disturbing social order or disrupting social stability;","b_label04_08_4":"Deliberately creating or spreading destructive programs such as the computer viruses;","b_label04_06_7":"Propagating obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder and terror or inciting the commission of crimes;","b_label04_08_5":"Other behavior that endanger the security of computer information networks.","b_label04_06_8":"Insulting or slandering other people or infringing others’ lawful rights and interests;","b_label04_10":"4.10 Members guarantee to comply with all other provisions and procedures of the website.","b_label04_11":"4.11 If member violate the provisions mentioned-above, Tongcheng shall have right to ask for correction or to take all necessary measures (including but not limited to modify or delete information published by members, suspend or terminate member’s online service and etc.) to reduce the impact caused by the improper behavior of members.","b_title04":"4. Member Rights and Responsibilities","b_label04_06_1":"Opposing the fundamental principles determined in the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China;","b_title03":"3. Member Account Number and Password","b_label04_06_2":"Compromising state security, disclosing state secrets, subverting state power and damaging national unity;","b_title02":"2. Service Content","b_label04_06_3":"Damaging the state dignity and interest;","b_label04_08_1":"Access to computer information networks or the use of computer information network resources without permission;","b_title01":"1. Confirmation of Terms and Conditions of LY.COM Service","b_label04_06_4":"Inciting ethnic hatred and racial discrimination or damaging inter-ethnic unity;","b_label04_08_2":"Deleting, modifying or adding function to computer information network without permission;","b_label15_2":"For more details on the protection under Travel Industry Compensation Fund and the relevant legal provisions, please visit the website of Travel Industry Authority at","b_label15_1":"Travellers must obtain a receipt with a levy stamp to be protected by the Travel Industry Compensation Fund.","b_label13":"The validity, interpretation and enforcement of the Terms and Conditions of Service of Tongcheng shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. Any dispute arisen shall be submitted to the People’s Court over which having jurisdiction. ","b_label12":"All announcements made to members could be sent through Important Announcements Webpage, E-mails and regular mails.","b_label14":"The headlines in this Terms and Conditions are for convenience purpose only, and shall be neglected when this Terms and Conditions are being interpreted.","b_label01_1":"The ownership and operation rights of LY.COM shall be owned by Tongcheng Network Technology Co., Ltd., Tongcheng International Travel Service Co., Ltd., Edraco Travel Ltd., eLong International Travel (Hong Kong) Limited, Tongcheng’s affiliated companies and etc.. (hereinafter referred to as ‘Tongcheng’). The terms and conditions of service are legally binding. You agree to be bound by all Articles hereof and became a registered member of LY.COM by clicking ‘registration’ and completing the registration process.","b_title15":"15. HK Levy Stamp","b_label01_2":"Users agree to accept all kinds of information provided by LY.COM membership service while enjoying LY.COM membership service.","b_title14":"14. Miscellaneous","b_label11":"Should the member using Tongcheng’s service leads to any disputes, litigation or claims from any third party, the member agrees to compensate corresponding losses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) to Tongcheng and its affiliated enterprises and staffs, and shall make efforts to protect them from damage.","b_title13":"13. Legal","b_title12":"12. Announcement","b_title11":"11. Compensation","b_title10":"10. Disclaimer","b_label07_3":"In accordance with reasonable governmental requests;","b_label09_2":"9.2 All the rights of the software used to provide network services (including but not limited to all text, graphics, audio, video material and its auxiliary material in any software) by Tongcheng are owned by its copyright owner. Without the prior consent of the copyright owner, any reverse engineering, reverse compilation or disassembly of the software by anyone is expressly prohibited. ","b_label07_4":"Defending public interests;","b_label09_1":"9.1 Any text, pictures, graphics, audio and video material provided in the Tongcheng network services are protected by copyright, trademark rights and other relevant laws and regulations. Without the prior consent of Tongcheng, such content shall not be copied or spread, or for any other commercial purpose. All these data or part of the data could be stored in a computer for personal or non-commercial purpose only.","b_label07_1":"Obtain prior authorization from members;","b_label07_2":"Comply with legal provisions or LY.COM legitimate service procedures;","b_title09":"9. Intellectual Property Right","b_title08":"8. Suspension or Termination of Service","b_title07":"7. Member Privacy Protection","b_title06":"6. Modification or Suspension of Service Content","b_label07_5":"Defending the legitimate rights and interests of LY.COM;","b_label09_4":"9.4 If member has been granted the right to publish such content referred in 9.3, the member may issue a counter-notice to Tongcheng and the copyright owner referred in 9.3 stating that the removed content does not infringe the copyright. The counter-notice shall be in writing, and include the following contents:","b_title05":"5. Modification of Terms and Conditions of Service","b_label07_6":"Comply with other legitimate requirements.","b_label09_3":"9.3 If copyright owner finds that the content which are published by any member on LY.COM infringing his/her copyright and issues a written notice in accordance with the ‘Administrative Protection of Internet Copyright’ and ‘Regulation on Protection of the Right to Network Dissemination of Information’ to Tongcheng and provides related certificate of copyright ownership, Tongcheng is entitled to remove relevant content without prior notice to member and keep relevant data in accordance with laws.","b_left_terms":"Terms and Conditions","b_label10_5_3":"The timeliness, security and accuracy of the network service;","b_label10_5_4":"Notwithstanding the foregoing, Tongcheng does not restrict the guarantee, which does not violate the regulations, for specific purposes.","b_label06":"As the special nature of network services, Tongcheng reserves the right to modify or suspend part or all of its network services at any time without prior notice to users, nor shall take responsibility to users or to the third parties.","b_label05":"Tongcheng is entitled to have the right to modify the Terms and Conditions of Service when it is necessary without prior notice to users. Tongcheng takes no liability to users or the third parties for any modification. Members may cancel his/her membership actively in case of disagreement on modification. Should Members continue to use LY.COM service, they are deemed to accept revised Terms and Conditions of Service.","b_label08":"In the event of any of the following circumstances, Tongcheng is entitled to have right to suspend or terminate members' network services hereof at any time, and shall not be held responsible for any member or third party.","b_label10_5_1":"The network service will certainly meet the requirement of members;","b_label07":"Tongcheng respect the right to privacy of its members. In addition to the following circumstances, LY.COM will not publicize, compile or disclose any of members’ personal date and the non-public content stored by members when they using the network service:","b_label10_5_2":"The network service will be uninterrupted;","b_label03":"You will receive an account number and password after your registration has been successful. You shall keep the account number and password safe, and take legal responsibility for all the activities and events carried out by the account. If the account number or password is illegally used due to being hacked or omission, Tongcheng shall not be liable for any responsibility arising therefrom. Please contact with Tongcheng immediately if you find any illegal use of member accounts or security breach.","b_label10_4":"10.4 LY.COM shall not bear any responsibility for interruption or other defects pertaining to network service caused by factors beyond its control or by force majeure. Nevertheless, LY will make efforts to mitigate the loss and effect caused herein to the user.","b_label10_3":"10.3 Members expressly agree to take full responsibility for the risks and all the consequences resulting from using LY.COM service. ","b_label10_2":"10.2 Tongcheng shall not be held responsible for any threatening, libelous, salacious, revolting or illegal content, behavior or infringement of the rights (including intellectual property rights) of others, and shall not be held responsible for any content that any third party sent via services or in the service processes.","b_label10_1":"10.1 Tongcheng shall not be held responsible for any direct, indirect, accidental, particular and subsequent damages caused by improper or unlawful use of services, transactions on the Internet or modification of transmission information by members.","b_label10_5":"10.5 Tongcheng does not provide any type of guarantee for the network services provided, including but not limited to:","b_label04_06":"4.6 Members promise not to publish the following information (including but not limited to forum, BBS and comments) on the platform of LY.COM:","b_label04_07":"4.7 The member is solely responsible for information published on LY.COM website. If member spreads and propagates illegal information, records made by network membership service system may be used as evidence of violation against member.","b_label04_04":"4.4 The information published on the website or the services used by members shall comply with the relevant laws and regulations of the state and the relevant provisions of international law.","b_label04_05":"4.5 As for the content uploaded to LY.COM website public obtain area via online platform (including but not limited to forum, BBS, comments) , members agree to grant Tongcheng full, free, perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive right and the right to license to third party in the world to use, copy, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works, disseminate, perform and display of such content (in whole or in part) and/ or compile such content into any other form of works, media or technology that is currently known or developed later.","b_label04_08":"4.8 Member shall not use the services of this website to undertake the following activities:","b_label04_09":"4.9 Members shall not interfere with the services of the website by any means.","b_label04_02":"4.2 Users must submit accurate personal information while applying for using LY.COM website service, and shall update such information in time when it changes.","b_label04_03":"4.3 Members agree to receive information about information of reservation confirmation and other information of products or service reservation from LY.COM that are sent via email, SMS or other means. Members agree to receive promotions or other business information via email, SMS or other means. Should members prefer not to receive promotions or other business information, please unsubscribe yourself or contact with LY.COM to unsubscribe.","b_label04_01":"4.1 Members have rights to use all network services provided in accordance with the procedures and requirements specified by Tongcheng. Members may contact with Tongcheng to solve issues in time when he/she raises any objection to the service."},"signin_up":{"email_error_01":"Please enter a valid email address","password_error_04":"Password does not match, please try again.","password_error_03":"Please enter your confirm password","password_error_02":"Please enter a valid password","password_error_01":"Please enter your password","mobile_error_01":"Please enter your Mobile number","mobile_error_02":"Please enter a valid Mobile number","no_results":"no results","error_tip_01":"Sorry, we can't obtain your facebook information, we strongly suggest you to complete your facebook email information or try another method to sign in/sign up.","verifycode_error_01":"Please enter the verification code.","error_tip_02":"Oops! Something went wrong. Please try again later."},"travelguide":{"b_avatar":"//file.40017.cn/international/pc/location/img/img02.png","b_mytrip_label3":"Instant confirm","b_mytrip_button":"Tailor Your Wonderful Trip","b_mytrip_content2":"Each online inquiry will be provided one-to-one service.We will continue support during the whole sales period.","b_mytrip_content3":"We will reply your inquiry within 24 hours. And your order will be processed within 48 hours.","b_mytrip_title":"Create my trip","b_mytrip_content1":"We will provide some travel instructions for your trip,such as a train station navigation, or pick up instructions.","b_readmore":"Read More","b_subscribe_title_2":"trends and insights.","b_subscribe_title_1":"Don't miss out on the latest news,","b_mytrip_label1":"A quick guidebook","b_mytrip_label2":"One-to-one service","b_experiences_in":"Top experiences in","b_hide":"Hide","b_subscribe_subtitle":"Subscribe to update right to your inbox."},"passenger":{"b_confirm_delete_tip_cancel_str":"Cancel","f_chinese_name_empty":"Please enter your Chinese Name","f_given_name_error":"Please enter your correct given name/first name","b_api_list_-101":"System exception","b_new_passenger_title1":"Add Passenger","b_button_add_1":"Add Passenger","f_id_month_placeholder":"Month","f_id_num_label":"ID","b_confirm_delete_tip_delete_str":"Delete","b_certtype_2":"passport","b_certtype_3":"drving 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name","b_new_passenger_title":"Add Frequent Traveler"},"getpassword":{"b_save":"Save","b_button_resend":"Resend in","b_input_email":"Emaill Address","b_setpassword":"New Password","b_input_mobile":"Mobile Number","b_title":"Forgot Your Password ?","b_verify_code":"Verification Code","f_username_error":"Please enter correct username","b_button_send":"Send","b_confirmpassword":"Confirm Password","f_username_empty":"Please enter a username."},"commondate":{"month_short_1":"Jan","week_short_6":"Sat","month_short_10":"Oct","month_short_12":"Dec","month_short_11":"Nov","day_label":"Day","week_short_0":"Sun","week_short_1":"Mon","week_short_2":"Tue","week_short_3":"Wed","week_short_4":"Thu","week_short_5":"Fri","year_label":"Year","month_short_9":"Sep","month_label":"Month","month_short_8":"Aug","month_short_7":"Jul","month_short_6":"Jun","month_short_5":"May","month_short_4":"Apr","month_short_3":"Mar","month_short_2":"Feb"},"redpacket":{"b_txt_empty_label1":"You have no exclusive offers.","f_redpacket_expired":"Expired","f_redpacket_all":"All","f_redpacket_used":"Used","f_redpacket_coupons":"coupons","f_redpacket_have":"You have","f_redpacket_homeget":"GET IT NOW","f_redpacket_gifttitle":"Gift Package","b_btn_empty_button":"Back to Home","f_redpacket_to":"-","f_redpacket_useit":"Use it now","f_redpacke_homeuse":"USE IT NOW","f_redpacket_ordertitle":"Only keep a 6 month Exclusive offer for you.","f_redpacket_available":"Available","f_redpacket_time":"UTC+8","b_redpacket_title":"My Exclusive offer"},"howstart":{"b_left_how":"How We Got Start","b_title2":"2004 Establishment Of The Company","b_title1":"2002 Birth Of The Team","b_label2":"LY.com B2B travel exchange platform was launched on July 28, 2003. On February 6, 2004, we recruited the first group of employees at Canglang Venture Park. We also registered the company, kicking off our journey of entrepreneurship.","b_title6":"2015 6 Billion Financing","b_label1":"Our first home was a faculty dormitory room measuring only 9 square meters at Soochow University. The roof sometimes leaked. Five months later, we relocated and hauled everything we had with just a tricycle. We firmly believe: There is no turning back when it comes to starting a business. Even skyscrapers start from scratch. We must take every opportunity, there aren't too many in life, and how many fewer with a confidant at side!","b_title5":"2014 A New Start","b_title4":"2008/2009 Crossing The Lake To Soar Into The Sky","b_title3":"2006 Win In China","b_label6":"In 2015, the company received more than RMB 6 billion strategic investments from Wanda, Tencent and CITIC Capital. The total number of people served that year exceeded 100miliion. LY.com launched its regional implementation strategy and the \\\"Big Data + People\\\" strategy, and completed the deployment of six major regional centers.\\u2028","b_label5":"On March 21, 2014, the new domain name LY.com was put into production, as the company fully focused on and launched a leisure tourism strategy for its second decade. The company officially tranformed from an Internet company to a mobile Internet company.","b_label4":"LY.com successfully obtained RMB 35 million capital investment from the Ministry of Science and Technology's pilot venture capital investment and Suzhou Ventures Group's Cowin Venture Capital. In December, 2009, with the support of SIP's technological policies, LY.com entered into the creative industry park, realizing the goal of \\\"Crossing the lake and soaring into the sky\\\". With a passionate entrepreneurial team, a well-defined business model and a favorable external environment, LY.com has started its new five-year development.","b_label3":"Mr. Wu Zhixiang, CEO of the company, participated in the entrepreneurship competition held by CCTV in China on behalf of the company. He was selected from 120,000 projects to become one of the five finalists, having been favored by domestic and international investors such as SAIF, IDG and Capital.","b_title7":"2016 A New Journey On Twin Engines","b_label7":"In 2016, it realized the split of the two major business units, Tongcheng Agency Group and Tongcheng Network. Continue to focus on improving user experience and services, while transitioning from managing products to managing users."},"htmlblock":{"b_footer_privacypolicy":"Privacy Policy","b_top_sign_in":"Sign In","b_loginbox_input_email":"Email Address","b_loginbox_verify_code":"Verification Code","b_loginbox_button_resend":"Resend in","b_loginbox_input_password":"Password","b_top_sign_up":"Sign Up","b_loginbox_forgot_password":"Forgot Password","b_footer_license":"Business License","b_loginbox_input_mobile":"Mobile Number","b_loginbox_input_confirmpassword":"Confirm password","b_loginbox_button_send":"Send","b_footer_terms":"Terms and Conditions"},"messageBox":{"b_button_ok":"ok","b_button_yes":"yes","b_button_knew":"knew","msg_error":"System exception, please try again later!","b_button_cancel":"cancel","b_button_no":"no"},"register":{"b_label_haveaccount":"Already have an account ?","b_label_bindwx":"To securely manage your bookings, we recommend linking an email address to your LY.com account.","b_loginwith_google":"Continue with Google","b_create_account":"Creat a New Account","b_label_subscribe":"Please send promotions, special offers, inspiration, and other news to my email address:"}}